Our Library
Deepen Your Knowledge of Cancer, Treatments & More
When it comes to information about cancer, its treatments, and a variety of other topics related to it, there is an overwhelming amount of information available to the public. In the last 20 years, the rise of the internet and social media have contributed to this onslaught of information. Unfortunately, much of what is often found isn’t backed by science, research, or credible sources. Trying to sift through all the inaccurate, misleading, and biased resources can be quite intimidating. SoLive is here to guide you towards reliable, legitimate information.
Check out some of the books we recommend. They cover a variety of topics, including the history of the cancer fight, treatment options, mindfulness, diet, and many more. Many are written by doctors, therapists, and researchers and provide a variety of perspectives. We believe that the more informed you are on cancer and general health and wellness, the more equipped you’ll be to make the best decisions for yourself and your future.

Ep. 13 - LIFE 120: Restore Your Gut Health
A Wellness Partner Interview with Tosh James
Ep. 12 - Shifting Funky Manifestations to Dreamy Ones
Ep. 11 - Nutrition & Healthy Meal Delivery
A Wellness Partner Interview with Sarah Treat
Ep. 10 - Women & Girls Mental Health
A Wellness Partner Interview with Michelli Ramon
Ep. 9 - Living a Soul Aligned Life
A Wellness Partner Interview with Shanna Covey
Ep. 8 - Conscious Healing + Self Discovery
A Wellness Partner Interview with Triple Theory
Ep. 7 - Rosario's Pancreatic Cancer Journey
A Testimonial with Tosh James
Ep. 6 - Celebrity Fitness Trainer
A Testimonial with Jason Echols
Ep. 5 - Barb's Aggressive Uterine Cancer Journey
A Testimonial with Tosh James
Ep. 4 - Navigating Health Insurance
A Wellness Partner Interview with Janice Knapp
Ep. 3 - Regan's Lymphoma Journey
A Testimonial with Tosh James
Ep. 2 - Bio-Hack Your Way to Optimal Health
A Wellness Partner Interview with Heather O'Neill
Ep. 1 - The Big Give
A Fundraising Special with Mercedes Alhaj
Ep. 10 - Personal Guide for Health
A Wellness Partner Interview with Rian Overcash
Ep. 9 - Rare Overian Cancer Threatened Motherhood
A Testimonial with Lara Kilgore
Ep. 8 - Divine Health Center
A Wellness Partner Interview with Alicia Bryan
Ep. 7 - Body Engineering Therapies
A Wellness Partner Interview with Tosh James
Ep. 6 - Eating Psychology
A Wellness Partner Interview with Tracey Keller
Ep. 5 - Overcoming an 8lb Tumor
A Testimonial with Keresa Richardson
Ep. 4 - 5 Pillars of Health
A Wellness Partner Interview with Dr. Goff
Ep. 3 - Amyloxine Cancer Treatment
A Testimonial with Charlotte Lacy
Ep. 2 - Healing Cancer Through the Power of Faith, Nutrition, & Chemical-Free Living
With Jerrica Alvarado
Ep. 1 - Amyloxine Cancer Medication
Consultant & SoLive Founder, Charlene Barnes Shares Her Story
Ep. 9 - The Importance of Clean-Crafted Organic Wine
A Wellness Partner Interview with Scout & Cellar Consultant, Connie Hurley
Ep. 8 - The Power of Breath
A Wellness Partner Interview with NydiaTijerina Darby
Ep. 7 - Food as Medicine Guru
A Wellness Partner Interview with Chef Elizabeth Johnson
Ep. 6 - Where Does The Authentic You Hide?
Ep. 5 - You Have The Power to choose How You See Yourself
Ep. 4 - Discovering Your Purpose
Ep. 3 - The Myth of Selfishness
Ep. 2 - The Power of Forgiveness
Ep. 1 - How To Reclaim Your Inner Power
The Gerson Therapy
Author: Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, DPM
Feeding You Lies
Author: Van Hari
The Whals Protocol
Author: Terry Wahls, M.D
How Not To Die
Author: Dr. Michael Greger, MD
Grain Brain
Author: Dr. David Perlmutter
The Truth About Cancer
Author: Ty Bollinger
The Secret History War on Cancer
Author: Devra Davis
The Body Keeps Score
Author: Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD
The Magic Of Believing
Author: Claude Bristol
Becoming Supernatural
Author: Dr. Joe Dispenza
Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself
Author: Dr. Joe Dispenza
You Are The Placebo
Author: Dr. Joe Dispenza
Mind Over Medicine
Author: Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD
The Fear Cure
Author: Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD
The Power to Heal
Author: Henry Grayson, PhD
The Relaxation Response
Author: Herbert Bensen, M.D.
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer
Author: Dr. Kelly A. Turner, PhD
Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor
Author: Kris Carr