Pharmaceutical Treatments
Non-Toxic Cancer Medications that Don’t Harm the Body
At SoLive, we are always seeking information about non-toxic pharmaceutical treatments that have an extensive amount of research and testing to back up their claims. On this page, you’ll find updated information about each treatment that our cancer awareness organization has found to be worthy of further research and exploration on the part of the patient.
Current Pharmaceutical Treatment Options
LifeForce Hospital: AMYLOXINE
Since 1997, we have witnessed the remarkable results of the cancer medication, Amyloxine. It all began when a family friend conquered forth stage colon cancer with this treatment. Our founder, Charlene Barnes, was so inspired by this outcome (details here), she began sharing this information with the community, ultimately becoming a patient consultant for Amyloxine. Charlene soon realized that Amyloxine was not just for colon cancer, or any particular type of cancer. She was witnessing it's successful healing affects on a cancer located throughout the body, head to toes, including blood and bone cancers. Since our formation in 2007, we have witnessed the same through our friends and family, and those willing to share their testament through our organization. Even though public data on Amyloxine is limited, we simply cannot keep this information to ourselves. If we or our loved one were battling cancer, we would at least want to have the option to consider Amyloxine. Thus, we are here to share everything that we can gather about the process and results of this treatment.
In addition to its remarkable results, a notable consistency that distinguishes Amyloxine from other treatments is the quality of life these patients experience while going through the treatment process. Since there are no evidence of Amyloxine harming healthy cells, patients are not laden with weaknesses and ailments often caused by other forms of cancer treatments. Instead, many report experiencing greater strength and energy after their Amyloxine treatment.
Because LifeForce Hospital does not publicize their data, all we can share are the personal stories of those who have received the Amyloxine treatment (see Testimonials), as well as our own experiences. It is important that you conduct your own research before choosing any treatment.

Please visit our testimonials page to hear some of the success stories directly or read more in our post !